May 22, 2024

Chimi Hub //

Asado Diaries

Chimichurri Spaghetti w/Blistered Tomatoes, Parsley and Lemon

A simple spaghetti pasta with El Chori Chimichurri Sauce folded through. Topped with blistered cherry tomatoes, parsley and fresh lemon rind.


200g spaghetti or pasta of your choice

16 cherry tomatoes

Handful fresh parsley leaves

2-3 tablespoons of El Chori Chimi Sauce of your choice, plus extra to serve

1 lemon, rind finely grated

Sea salt and cracked black pepper


  1. Cook the pasta as per the packet instructions.
  2. Whilst the pasta is cooking, heat a large frying pan over a high temperature, add a little oil of your choice and when at temperature add the cherry tomatoes.
  3. Allow the cherry tomatoes to pan fry and blister whilst the pasta is cooking to al dente.
  4. When the pasta has cooked to al dente, drain the liquid off the pasta, reserving around ½ a cup.
  5. Transfer the cooked pasta to a large glass or heatproof bowl and add the pasta liquid back into the bowl.
  6. Add our delicious Chimi Sauce to the pasta and use a pair of tongs to stir until all pasta is coated well.
  7. Transfer the pasta to 2 large serving bowls. Drizzle with extra Chimi Sauce, sprinkle with fresh parsley leaves, grated lemon rind and sea salt and cracked black pepper.
  8. Enjoy this dish immediately.

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As our most popular chimi, this sauce is big on flavour with an unmissable dab of heat. The blend of flavours and spice instantly elevates every meal without overpowering it.